Patricia Jellerson wearing a blue shirt, holding a monkey.

Patricia Jellerson

Patricia Jellerson was one of those kids who got caught sneaking a flashlight under the covers to read after bedtime. She was that kid who sat absorbed in a book at family gatherings while the others played in the pool. She read everything; historical fiction, fantasy, mystery, philosophy, science fiction. But by far her favorite was romance. And that’s still true today.

She was fortunate to study under a couple of wonderful southern writers at University of South Carolina graduate school: James Dickey and William Price Fox. Fox took Patricia under his wing and mentored her in the craft of fiction while Dickey sparked her interest in poetry. She put it all aside for a fairytale career as a Hunter-Jumper trainer and rider, working a large part of that time for Olympian Nona Garson.

Later in life, as partial retirement and Covid kicked in, she sat down to write. Patricia has been a finalist in Writers’ Digest Poetry contest in 2021 and 2022. In 2023, she published her first story “A Surprise for Christmas” in a collection published on Amazon and completed her first manuscript, a historical romance. In 2024, a novella, Love at the Café Azure was published in another collection. Her second historical romance, A Symphony for the Earl, is currently in submission. In addition to Pen and Keyboard, she is active in the Women Fiction Writers of America, the Oklahoma Romance Writers’ Guild, Oklahoma Writers Federation, Inc. and the Pitch to Published online community. Patricia was a Heart Award finalist in 2024.

She has been lucky to have a real-life romance with ret. USAF CMSgt Marcus Jellerson and they currently live in Edmond, Oklahoma with two lively terriers. She doesn’t have a monkey, though; the picture opposite was taken at a wildlife sanctuary on a recent trip to Mexico. Besides writing, Patricia enjoys painting and travels the country judging horse shows.