Pen and Keyboard Writers was founded in August of 2002 as an affiliate club of Oklahoma Writers Foundation, Inc. Today the group is a closed club (limited number of members) that meets in Edmond, Oklahoma. Meetings include both in-person and Zoom elements allowing members and guest speakers to participate from outside the immediate area.
The Pen & Keyboard Writers meets monthly to discuss writing, to provide feedback on fellow members’ works in progress (as requested), and assist one another in all aspects of the business of writing. The twenty-five writers of Pen and Keyboard provide aid and support to each other through positive reinforcement, skills development, constructive critiques, promotions and mutual respect. The group continues to maintain close ties with and supports OWFI in their activities.
Benefits of Membership include:
- A friendly, safe atmosphere in which to share writing and discuss the challenges of current projects;
- A network of writers who will give and receive feedback on writing;
- Free or discounted events with industry guest speakers;
- Discounted membership in Oklahoma Writers Federation, Inc (OWFI)
- A dedicated page on this website (see Our Members);
- And more. Additional benefits will be added as we grow and determine the needs of our membership.
Interested in joining? Please complete our membership interest assessment, and one of our members will contact you within a few days.